My first placement as an Occupational Therapy student was in Wellington at a community mental health service. Here clients were dealing with bipolar, depression but most commonly psychosis. I thourally enjoyed my placement and have been very interested in mental health ever since. I have decided to provide here an example of three online communities related to psychosis.
This first example is from a site called PsychCentral.
Here is the link, happy learning-
This site provides a list of questions and answers, and opportunity to ask your own questions, suggested blogs to read, to do with various mental illnesses, news, research, resources, an online community and an option to find more help. I think this website has been created as a way for individuals with psychosis to be apart of a psychosis community, with out being forced to identify themselves. This community provides good general information for family, friends and individuals experiencing psychosis to educate themselves.
This site is relatively interactive people can contribute by logging in for free and writing in the blog section. Here anybody can write about their issues and apply for help. This is an example of an individuals first blog on this site.
well hi, i feel so out of place that i'm almost scared to post this. i'm so afraid of being rejected and putting myself out there about this. i've been doing lots of research, i finally listened to people suggesting maybe i was bipolar, and now i'm accepting it and almost positive i have manic depression. it's painful but a relief at the same time because i feel less crazy lol... i'm tired of the horrible cycles of not being able to get dressed to running around trying to climb mountains. i'm want help but... still working on that :l atleast now on this site i don't have to constantly be afriad to show what i really feel. i can't hide it anymore
It seams to me that individuals use this site to blog as another method to apply for help. To connect with others about something very personal but able to use false names and stay confidential. Individuals on this site seek help, communication and support. Information is shared publicly and people who log on can reply. Bloggers also have an option to keep posts private so only members can view and respond to them. Here are some other examples of some posts made on PsychCentral:
Hi all. I'm 24, I'm currently studying at uni...and the reason I'm on here is due to depression. I've been on anti-depressants for just short of 6 months I think, I thought they had worked like magic but recently I seem to be having the really low dips every now and again. I don't really feel like I can talk to anyone about it - only my Mum and my housemates know...I don't want to worry my Mum and my housemates...well I don't want to burden them, and I think they think that the tablets will solve everything, I don't really think they understand, but then again why would they?!
Sorry for the ramble - it would be good to have someone to chat to on here every now and again
Sorry for the ramble - it would be good to have someone to chat to on here every now and again
Even meds that work need to be tweaked time to time. Talk to your perscribing doctor, and please feel free to talk to us! There are so many people here who understand what you are going through, and they are all willing to share with you!
It's nice to find a place to go where I don't know anyone and can receive unbiased opinions that have nothing to do with what I consider to be suspecti personal motivations. I'm hoping that I can get some stuff off my mind without getting any eye rolls, which is all I get from the inner circle of friends these days. Here's to productive dialogue and the kindness of strangers!
It is funny but sometimes talking to complete strangers is easier than talking to our friends or family.
This has been an interesting site to look around, if you have the time you should take a look. The next two online psychosis communities will be coming soon!!
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