

Thursday, 24 March 2011

“A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature”

I agree entirely with this above comment, I am a photographer in my spear time and a film photographer at heart.

Posatives of the new age digital cameras: (in my oppinion)
If you have bad eye sight, you can view the large digital screen.
You can take moer than 24 shots at one time with out carrying more film.
The cameras can come small enough to fit in your jean pocket.
You can view the shot taken immediatly.
Is instant.

Negatives of digital cameras:
Never get around to printing images.
Have to pay someone to print the images.
It has changed the photography culture into a snap shot culture.
Digital viewfinder, and lense dont line up, which is why images dont look like what was on the screan.
Limited zoom or digital zoom, which pixilates the image rather than getting closer to the subject.

I have a limited understanding of Hardware and software although I am familiar with software such as Photoshop, I-Movie and most Microsoft programs.
I am familiar with hardware like cell-phones, SLR cameras, Laptop, DVD players and Televisions.

TVNZ Good Morning show

I have been instructed to provide three examples of the use of digital imaging to provide information and recording. These three examples are shown in the previous three video posts.
Firstly I want to show the use of digital imaging which is designed to inform others as well as a record a series of events. This is shown through the TVNZ Good Morning show clip.  


Example of Photoshop digital imaging

This example of digital imaging is not really related to occupational therapy at all, but with a design background it find interesting none the less. This youtube clip is a creative recording of the process an artist took to create a digitally enhanced image. This clip is a photoshop video recording, enjoy.

Occupational therapy can help people

This next example of digital imaging has been made to educate, to educate the public on what Occupational therapy is and how we help others. Also to inform, and educate others that Occupational therapy  services are out there. This youtube video has interviews and explanations of Occupational Therapy.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I do frequently get "wowed" by technology and all it can do. The internet alone is an amazing tool. I cant even comprehend all it can do which is why we have to be so careful. I hear of so many horror stories, evading privacy by looking in via our computer cameras, finding out internet banking details, or just simply emailing a virus. So why are we all so comfortable using the internet, i know i am i don't take many precautions. 'its my lap top know one else will see.. Right? '

So I have said that technology has been designed to make communication easier. we all know that this is not always the case. Technology is making digital communication easier and physical communication so much harder.
Someone put it in perspective for me one day. This individual (who i cant remember) hates it when she is being served in a shop and the phone rings. The shop assistant has two choices, continue serving or answer the phone. The phone always wins. Now think of the phone as a rude customer interrupting and demanding attention just like the phone. You wouldn't put up with that, and neither would the shop assistant. So why do we always answer the phone over face to face communication. They will always call back!
Another prime example im sure we have all come across, friends texting while your trying to have a conversation with them? That is not social!


The focus of my blog, is to record my learning about how information technology is used in Occupational Therapy practice, the problems this can encounter and also the issues it can solve.

I would like to start off with a few definitions of words that may arise within my blog, and words to think about in relation to technology and Occupational therapy.

A definition of 'Information technology'

–noun. The development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically. Abbreviation:  IT

Basically information technology (IT) is all around us, cell phones, desk top computers, laptop computers. These are all hardware and software systems designed for us to communicate electronically making it...um easier?

S, Hawker. & C, Crowley. (1996) The oxford colour dictionary & thesaurus. Oxford university press 

 definition of 'Intellectual Property'

Intellectual- using intellect, having strong intellect, academic. 

property- things owned, or a quality or characteristic.

Is property that results from an original creative thought. For example familiar logos of many large New Zealand businesses are copyrighted material. Meaning it is against the law to copy the intellectual property, in this case the logo.   

S, Hawker. & C, Crowley. (1996) The oxford colour dictionary & thesaurus. Oxford university press

Definition of 'Social justice'
Social- living in a community, society or organization, sociable or social gathering.
Justice- just treatmemt, fairness, equity, rightfulness.
Social justice is distribution of advantages and disadvantages righfully within society.

Definition of 'Informed consent'
Inform- meaning to tell.
consent- meaning someone is willing to do, or allow what is asked. an agreement or permition. 
So informed consent is being properly advised of relevant materials positives and negatives, then permition is given based on that information.